Archive for March, 2009|Monthly archive page

Message delivered

I love Garr Reynold’s blog, Presentation Zen. His views on design and the visual elements of presentation have had a huge impact on the way I present. He also finds great things like this: Lost generation. This short video takes less than two minutes to watch. It delivers a powerful message creatively and effectively.  Highly recommended.

niche found.

What defines that segment of the community that you can best serve?
Who are the people you love working with?
The ones you understand the most?
The ones who are going through the things that you have gone through?
The ones that make you say, ‘Yes, I get to go and work today!

I am delighted to announce that I have found mine.

I coach women on a mission.

A mission can be anything that is important to you. It is positive. It is forward focused. It helps to change the world. There are so many great missions:  personal transformation, community leadership, a vocation, working in a role that makes a difference, being a great parent, living more sustainably, starting a business.


I can help women who are not yet sure what their mission is, those who are starting out, those who are struggling to balance their mission with the rest of their life, and are facing burnout.

I am looking forward to sharing ideas and information – expect to read more of this in the future!