Archive for September 12th, 2008|Daily archive page

reboot your brain

Ever felt the need for a quick reboot when your brain is overloaded?

First: close all the open programs.

Write a list of everything that’s in your head – all the things you’re have been working on, and thinking about. Imagine closing the programs, one by one.

Next: let your brain shut down.

Move away from your desk. Take 10 or 15 minutes to do something different. Walk outside, get a drink or a snack. Breathe. Relax. Think about something totally unrelated to the work you have been doing.

Then: restart.

Try to maintain that clear, uncluttered head. Prioritise the tasks you were working on before. Be realistic about what you can get done today. Work on only one task at a time. Minimise interruptions. Check your email less often. Turn off your phone.

I know, you’ve read all this before – it’s not rocket science. Do it anyway.

(Photo from iStock)